Learn, Experience, and Harness the Wisdom of the Gnostics

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Presented by Miguel Conner and Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a Gnostic?

Explore the depths of ancient knowledge with our exclusive online course on Gnosticism and learn at your own pace.

Immerse yourself in the mysteries of the ancient world and uncover secrets never revealed before.

Join Virtual Alexandria Academy today and unlock the secrets of Gnosticism!

BONUS: Get complete access to all Astro Gnosis replays:

Astro Gnosis 3: Sophia and Simulated Realities

Astro Gnosis 2: Meet the Archons

Astro Gnosis 1: Stargates

The Path For Your Self-Knowledge And A Hidden History


By taking this remarkable, mystical journey, I experienced an astounding shift in my outlook of the past and my personal exploration.

I desire that everyone can benefit from this timeless wisdom and alchemy, which has been brought to us by the Cosmic Christ, Mary Magdalene, Simon Magus, Hermes Trismegistus, and other eminent practitioners of spirituality.

This class offers everything you could wish for – from insightful research on religion to mesmerizing spiritual practices to increased awareness. What sets it apart from others is the unique approach and in-depth understanding, with all of the content carefully crafted to provide an uncomplicated yet thorough learning experience.

My Journey is Your Journey


My name is Miguel Conner, and nice to talk to you again, as I’m sure we’ve met in another life.

For more than 15 years, I have researched and taught Gnosticism, ancient and modern. More than a million people have listened to and benefited from my ideas on various platforms

My journey includes:

  • 100s of podcasts with the best and brightest in Gnostic studies, including the very translators of the Nag Hammadi library.
  • Several books & hundreds of articles
  • Presentations at notable universities and lodges
  • Documentary & show appearances.

People have asked me for a systematic course for years, and now it’s available for a one-time payment.

The Virtual Alexandria Academy is a program that includes my work in online mini-courses, private vlogs, conference presentations, and original content.

The Powerful Course Includes:


  • Four modules, more than 25 hours, and 15+ classes of visually stunning videos, slides, and commentaries from me and even some experts/academics/theologians in the Gnostic fields (Again, you won’t find this anywhere else)
  • Detailed instructions, audio/video recreations, and materials you can use for research or incorporation into your spiritual praxis. Downloadable assets like prayers to the Gnostic Goddess, Vowels magic & chanting science, Astral Flight rituals, and more
  • Gnostic astral journey diagrams, magical seal graphics, and detailed reconstructions of Gnostic rituals
  • Bonus videos to better understand the module themes
  • Immediate access to the course; listen at your leisure and easily download materials; quizzes at the end of each module!
  • Access to “Ask Me Anything” Discord Channel, where I will personally answer any questions you have on the course (and provide further links and materials)
  • BONUS: Get complete access to all Astro Gnosis replays: 30+ hours of recorded presentations and discussions on Gnostic and Hermetic Thought. Presentations feature experienced Gnostic, Hermetic, and Spiritual professionals providing comprehensive insight into the Archons, Sophia, and Star Portals. Learn about the Gnostic view of reality and how to awaken from the simulation, along with psychological and artistic interpretations on various topics.

Course Breakdown:

  • Gnosticism and Stargates
    • A starry understanding of the importance of Stargates to Gnostic thought and practice. The rituals, cosmology, and astral portals that were essential to Gnostic sects.
  • The Four Categories of Gnostic Religious Rites
    • Is there a commonality or system to Classical Gnostic Rituals? Indeed there is, and we explored: From the Naassenes to the Valentinians, how Gnostic groups paralleled in their rituals;t he Jungian view of these rituals, even as Jung himself borrowed from them for his ideas; and how the Classical Gnostics prepare for their rituals. What was the culmination or attainment at the end of Gnostic rituals?
  • These Are Gnostic Times (and knowing Gnostic Origins & Definition)
    • A spanning presentation that explains Gnosticism and how it has manifested including today. Topics include: The four cornerstones of Gnostic religion; the possible origins of Gnosticism; my own journey into the Gnostic heresy; why the Gnostics predicted today’s surreal culture; and Gnostic exemplars and influencers
  • Gnostic Connection with modern Ufology
    • Vance connected Gnosticism (and Christianity) to modern UFO cults. From Heaven’s Gate to Scientology to Subgenius to many others, you’ll see how Gnostic these times are. In fact, most ancient religions have an extraterrestrial vibe to them.
  • Gnostic Nonduality
    • A strong case for Gnostic nondualism. Topics include: A deep dive into the Gnostic creation myth to show a unity of the divine and the cosmos itself; understanding the psychological and spiritual meaning of such Gnostic deities as the Demiurge, Sophia, Barbelo, and more; how Gnostic thought parallels Advaita Vedanta; and why our minds and the Pleroma are the same
  • Who are the Archons
    • How the Archons keep us enslaved. How the Gnostics came up with the concept of the Archons. Why the Archons work better for our modern times. The various interpretations and manifestations of the Archons in history

BONUS MATERIAL (downloadable): Four Helpful and Accurate Definitions of Gnosticism

  • Thunder, Perfect Mind
    • A deep and inspirational journey of the mighty goddess and her call to awaken. From its history to its theology, from its impact on modern culture to its magical undertones, I shone this Gnostic text and included spiritual exercises for your benefit.
  • The Gospel of Thomas
    • A most comprehensive understanding of the Gospel of Thomas from a metaphysical point of view. Topics include: How the sayings are structured on purpose for a mystical understanding of creation; the Gnostic underbelly of the text (and why it was hidden); the culture and history that brought about the Gospel of Thomas; and how this gospel compares or speaks to other Gnostic works
  • The Book of Jeu
    • A deep dive into an overlooked Gnostic sect that left a detailed ritual for ascension to the Pleroma. Explore their theology, ceremonies, and vast cosmology full of archons and aeons. All in this group’s Book of Jeu.

BONUS MATERIALS (downloadable): The Book of Jeu diagrams:
Baptism plant graphics; Plant adorning crowns; Aeonic Ascent & Seals
EXTRA BONUS MATERIAL (downloadable): Meditations and Magic in Thunder, Perfect Mind (and other Goddess literature)

  • The Sethians
    • An exhaustive presentation on the theology, history, and impact of this  primordial Gnostic sect. Topics include:: The stages of Sethian development; the Characteristics of Sethianism; what happened to these Gnostics?
  • Gnostic Sex Rites Part 1
    • An intriguing and sultry presentation covering the sex magic of various ancient Gnostic sects (and whether or not they were true or polemics from heresy hunters). And how they influenced modern occultism and even several faiths across history.
  • Gnostic Sex Rites Part 2
    • Valentinus and his movement were less salacious but more impactful. From how the ideas of Valentinians influenced the early church & romantic love to the very idea that he might be the reason we celebrate February 14, we didn’t leave a love-stone unturned.
  • The Naassenes (Or Serpent Worshippers)
    • A journey with the Serpent Gnostics across space, an intimate journey into their forbidden, astral ceremonies. Topics included: Their origins with a woman named Mary in the 1st century; Naassene cosmology, including their serpentine supreme being and usual Gnostic cosmic tragedy; the three initiatory rituals that transformed a human into a god; Naassene prayers and astral passwords to the Archons in space; how they viewed Jesus and why they revered Hermes.
  • Gnostic Entheogen Use
    • Today’s leading expert on ancient psychedelic use, Chris Bennett, takes us on a journey to understanding how prevalent (and hidden) entheogens were in ancient times. For the Gnostics, you’ll notice we went back to the Book of Jeu, and its rituals, so keep it in mind in your praxis.
  • The Gnostic Eucharist
    • Learn about the ecstatic ritual of Marcus the Magician and other Gnostic Sages. Bishop Brian Stanford gave us the eucharistic dope on sacred meals in Gnosticism. Is Crowley’s Gnostic Mass a Gnostic ritual? What can one do to gain altered states of consciousness by reenacting sacred meal mythology? Why is Dionysus an original Gnostic deity?
    • The scientific and mystical way ancient Gnostic sects utilized chanting and music to alter consciousness and astral flights.Vowel Magic & Chanting
  • 6 Steps to Defeat the Archons
    • The Rituals you need to find  your authentic self
  • Honoring and Summoning Sophia
    • How to access the Gnostic Divine Feminine in your life
  • Jung and The Active Imagination
    • The history and understanding of this exercise
    • An exercise you can implement or merge with your current praxis
    • How Gnosticism influenced Jung to create this technique and his other ideas
    • Can Active Imagination be dangerous, and why did Jung hide it from much of the world?

BONUS MATERIAL (downloadable): Gnostic vowels and rituals (and the science behind them)

  • The Gnostic Jesus
    • There are striking differences between the Jesus of Gnostic lore and the Jesus portrayed in the Canonical Gospels. He’s both a bro and a perfect alien being, and he’s you, too. I draw the line as well as reveal their overlaps. Drawn from my research but also the excellent work of Jeff Kripal, Timothy Freke, Dan Morse, Tobias Churton, and more.
  • Simon Magus
    • A deep dive into the life and teachings of the Father of Gnosticism and All Heresies. This includes: The timeless story of Simon and Helen, incarnations of The One and Sophia; how Simon Magus was the greatest threat to Early Christianity; understanding his Gnostic, proto-Kabalistic theology; the influence of Simon Magus throughout history, including modern Gnosticism; the relationship between Simon Magus and Jesus Christ
  • Abraxas
    • All cards are on the table when it comes to the enigmatic Abraxas. Topics included: My surreal encounter and adventures with Abraxas; The history of Abraxas, from the ancient Gnostics to the Knights Templar to modern culture; how Jung saw Abraxas; my big reveal of who Abraxas really is; how can Abraxas work in your life
  • The Gnostic Mary
    • Dr. Joanna Kujawa provided an electric and insightful presentation on Mary Magdalene. All the Aeons in the Pleroma nodded in agreement. Topics included: The possible Egyptian origins of Mary; how Mary/Sophia relates to other goddesses, Eastern and Western; the oppression of Mary by orthodoxy and the uncovering in modern days; Mary’s prominent role in both traditional and apocryphal gospels; how Mary’s and other Gnostic teachings are a form of western Tantra
  • All About the Gnostic Sophia
    • We get deeply acquainted with the Gnostic Sophia in all her aspects: theological, mythological, and psychological. This exploration takes us to Sophia’s Pagan and Jewish pedigree, from the Shekinah to Athena to every avatar in between. And then even to her extraterrestrial/Anunnaki possibilities. Our journey of understanding Lady Wisdom expands to the goddess archetype, including her suppression and a possible return to an unbalanced cosmos
  • The Characteristic of Mary Magdalene
    • How both orthodoxy and Gnosticism viewed Mary. Revealing Mary is the material manifestation of Sophia. Mary’s role and effect on 2000 years of art, legend, culture, and theology. Why and how the Church censored and repressed Mary Magdalene.
  • The Sophia You Never Knew.
    • If you think you know the Gnostic Sophia, get ready to be surprised. In obscure Gnostic texts and ancient legends, she appears in startling and even more exotic ways. In some depictions, she is a terrible villain; in others, she is not the savior of humanity but of Earth.

BONUS MATERIAL (downloadable): The Nine Characteristics of Mary Magdalene


  • Four modules, more than 25 hours, and 15+ classes of visually stunning videos, slides, and commentaries from me and even some experts/academics/theologians in the Gnostic fields (Again, you won’t find this anywhere else)
  • Detailed instructions, audio/video recreations, and materials you can use for research or incorporation into your spiritual praxis. Downloadable assets like prayers to the Gnostic Goddess, Vowels magic & chanting science, Astral Flight rituals, and more
  • Gnostic astral journey diagrams, magical seal graphics, and detailed reconstructions of Gnostic rituals
  • Bonus videos to better understand the module themes
  • Immediate access to the course; listen at your leisure and easily download materials
  • Bonus! Access to “Ask Me Anything” Discord Channel, where I will personally answer any questions you have on the course (and provide further links and materials)



“Miguel did a magnificent job with his course! A hit! Each of the four modules is packed with stunning videos, his own lectures as well as interviews with top scholars in the field and the gnostic rituals that can be practiced daily. If this was not enough, the course explains the relevance of Gnostic teachings for our times, including the simulation theory, a possible connection with Ufology, Gnostic rites and the most captivating Gnostic teachers who were previously written off by history. It is a real treat for those who want to learn about different aspects of Gnosticism, its various theologies, and, most of all, the liberating power of its teachings. It is a life-changing experience!”

Dr. Joanna Kujawa

Author of The other Goddess: Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge

“Although I’d read books on Gnosticism over the years, it was Miguel’s spoken word that brought it to life for me. The very first time I heard Miguel speak I thought to myself, “I wish he’d teach a course on this!” I could not be happier with this course. I’m incorporating these ideas in a new and wonderful way. Highly recommended!”

Rachel Conerly

Executive Coach

“F***ing brilliant, man. Exactly what people need.”

Scott Smith

Author of God Reconsidered and The Soul of Your Pet

“As a blunt, practical business consultant and scholar who consults/trains across countries, industries, and languages for over a decade on how to deprogram and reprogram one’s entire thinking-foundation to maximize one’s entire being, I only engage with that which creates game-change. With that said, I am proud of my colleague’s and friend’s work Miguel Conner of Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio to create such. His course is transformational, in-depth, and invaluable for the novice Gnostic, the learned Gnostic, or the layperson seeking Truth or merely researching for formal/informal purposes. Miguel is indeed one of THE voices of Gnosticism in our lifetime; so to deprogram and reprogram via his resources is paramount for those seeking the best information in the field.”

Dr. HermanSJr.

Global Change Agent

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