The Gnostic Moby Dick

The Gnostic Moby Dick

Most of us have read Moby Dick, or are at least familiar with Herman Melville’s classic. Many of us know the metaphors and symbols and pathos of this great American novel. We heard it all in high school and perhaps found insights once we got older — as the whales of...
The Gnostic Robert Frost

The Gnostic Robert Frost

You see Gnosticism everywhere, dude. No, bear with me, Montresor, and I’ll tell you a little secret about laughing demons and ancient heretics who were both the joker and the thief. The Gnostic Spirit has survived and even thrived throughout history, despite the often...
What Would a Gnostic Government Look Like?

What Would a Gnostic Government Look Like?

We seem to live in a time when everything is politicized and politics is sensationalized. Politics is everywhere in western culture except in those places where peace dwells. Citizens want solutions, maybe relief, in the strangest of places that include the past and...

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