Rise of the Whore Goddesses: Sophia and Babalon

Rise of the Whore Goddesses: Sophia and Babalon

Jason Louv’s John Dee and the Empire of Angels is one of the most exciting occult works to come out this year. Beyond keen research, it’s an engaging adventure across the history of western esoterica from the Renaissance to modern times. Louv certainly covers Gnostic...
The Wizard of Gnoz

The Wizard of Gnoz

By Vance Socci   There is a 20th-century Gnostic ritual that started in 1956 and was performed annually to this day.  It’s called “The Wizard of Oz,” a phenomenally popular children’s movie with definite esoteric elements. There are few of us who don’t remember...
The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 3

The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 3

By Chris Henley   Lyrical Analysis (Continued from Part 2 but also read Part 1 for a foundation)   “Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends” Note the female gender here. Anyone familiar with Gnosticism and related systems knows...
The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 2

The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 2

By Chris Henley (Read the first part of the series) Overview   As the first verse of Hotel California begins, we find the protagonist traveling down a “dark desert highway”, destination unknown. This conjures a vision of someone (a prodigal child,...

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