Philip K. Dick and his Affair with the Aeon Sophia

Philip K. Dick and his Affair with the Aeon Sophia

A considerable amount has been written on Philip K. Dick’s interest in Gnosticism, including its influence on his groundbreaking fiction. Much of the interest was written by Philip K. Dick himself, as I reveal in Philip K. Dick’s Own Definition of Gnosticism. In fact,...
The Pagan Origins of the Gnostic Sophia

The Pagan Origins of the Gnostic Sophia

One of the central myths in most Gnostic teachings is the Fall and Redemption of Sophia—the embodied wisdom of God who, for various reasons, transgresses against the Eternal Realm, gives birth to the World of Forms, and along with humanity sets out to redeem Creation....
Why Does the Demiurge Have a Lion Head?

Why Does the Demiurge Have a Lion Head?

Every good narrative needs a good villain. In their evocative myths, the Gnostics supplied perhaps the best possible villain: The Supreme Being of the material universe and humanity’s very creator. How do you top that? This antagonist was often associated with the...
Gnostic Women Leaders & Heroines Part 1

Gnostic Women Leaders & Heroines Part 1

Gnosticism has no shortage of enigmatic heroes (or antiheroes, for Orthodoxy). The Gnostic sagas contain a rich variety of male protagonists that include Simon Magus, Jesus Christ, Saint Paul, Marcus the Magician, Valentinus, Doubting Thomas, and perhaps Judas...
Johnny Mercury: John the Baptist in Egypt

Johnny Mercury: John the Baptist in Egypt

By Alex Rivera As the transit of the sun by the planet Mercury on May 9 draws closer, one may wonder the lore associated with Mercury and how it relates to other religions such as Christianity. The cosmocrator, Mercury, does relate to one particular figure–John...

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