by Miguel Conner | Jan 16, 2017 | Blog posts
Once a year the nation celebrates the life of Martin Luther King Jr., a rare individual whose social achievements not only changed history but changed the consciousness of humanity. As a Baptist minister, it’s a given that his faith was a major influence on his views....
by Miguel Conner | Dec 28, 2016 | Blog posts
As the Holiday Season wanes and the new year looms like bleak canyon under the winter skies, I’ve been in a reminiscing mood like many. One person in my mind has been Nathaniel Merritt. His book Jehovah Unmasked greatly assisted my exorcism of orthodox demons and...
by Miguel Conner | Oct 14, 2016 | Blog posts
As I’ve said before, this might be a debate 2000 years in the making: Bart Ehrman vs. Robert Price on the historicity of Jesus. After all, the nature of Jesus has been debated for two millennia, often with disastrous consequences for those on the wrong...
by Miguel Conner | Sep 22, 2016 | Blog posts
A main reason I was attracted to Gnosticism was its original, intricate, and potent mythology. It felt like spiritual wasabi to my Daemonic senses. As Erik Davis wrote, Gnosticism had that “an almost sci-fi sensibility of ‘alien gods’ and supramundane universes of...
by Miguel Conner | Sep 20, 2016 | Blog posts
I truly enjoyed a recent episode with Andrew Phillip Smith on the Mandaeans, the last remaining Gnostic sect from antiquity. Andrew’s keen research has enriched the field of Gnosticism for decades. More important, I feel the Mandaeans deserve much more attention...