The Pagan Faith of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Pagan Faith of Martin Luther King Jr.

Once a year the nation celebrates the life of Martin Luther King Jr., a rare individual whose social achievements not only changed history but changed the consciousness of humanity. As a Baptist minister, it’s a given that his faith was a major influence on his views....
The Difference Between a Gnostic and a Christian

The Difference Between a Gnostic and a Christian

As the Holiday Season wanes and the new year looms like bleak canyon under the winter skies, I’ve been in a reminiscing mood like many. One person in my mind has been Nathaniel Merritt. His book Jehovah Unmasked greatly assisted my exorcism of orthodox demons and...
The Gnostic Cosmos [Infographic]

The Gnostic Cosmos [Infographic]

A main reason I was attracted to Gnosticism was its original, intricate, and potent mythology. It felt like spiritual wasabi to my Daemonic senses. As Erik Davis wrote, Gnosticism had that “an almost sci-fi sensibility of ‘alien gods’ and supramundane universes of...

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