The Gnosis

The Gnosis

By Robert Price   It will come as no news to you that I find Gnosticism very fascinating, and that for a number of reasons. As Hans Jonas explained, it is a mythologized portrait of a particular kind of life-stance with which we may identify without signing on...
Blackstar and Gnostic Symbolism

Blackstar and Gnostic Symbolism

By Joseph Armetta   David Bowie died on January 10, two days after his 69th birthday. Two days prior he left us with a “parting gift” as described by co-producer Tony Visconti, his final album Blackstar. A video of the title track was also released. The video of...
The Gnostic Stance

The Gnostic Stance

By Robert Price Carl Jung was not only interested in Gnosticism; he was a Gnostic. And so am I. But let’s back up a few steps. The father of demythologizing was not Rudolf Bultmann, but rather that worthy’s student Hans Jonas, who wrote one of the earliest major books...

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