The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 1

The Secret Gnosis of Hotel California, Part 1

By Chris Henley   If you are of a certain age, you’ve no doubt heard the Eagles’ 1977 Grammy-winning single, Hotel California — most likely, many times. The exact meaning behind the surreal lyrics has often been the subject of inquiry in various...
How Gnostic Spirituality Changed the World

How Gnostic Spirituality Changed the World

Most of us want our spiritual “stuff” to be original, or at least think that our traditions came from some exclusive explosion of wonder and innovation — something radical at least. We just know our soul or consciousness is unique, and the same should go for our...
What Is Gnosticism? [Video]

What Is Gnosticism? [Video]

At its basic level, Gnosticism is a term coined by English philosopher Henry More in the 17th century to describe some heretical Christians in the Book of Revelation. At its most sophisticated level, it is experiencing the representation of The All — as the character...

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