The Gnosis and Tragedy of the Yezidi

The Gnosis and Tragedy of the Yezidi

Being persecuted is a badge of honor for many religions, just as feeling persecuted is so intoxicating many of today’s sociopolitical movements. Victimhood paradoxically seems empowering, liberating, even divine — although much of the time it’s a diabolical grab for...
A Definition of Gnosticism Even Saklas Will Get

A Definition of Gnosticism Even Saklas Will Get

I truly enjoyed our episode on Gnostic cinema with Fryderyk Kwiatkowski. Modern Gnostic Gospels are just as important as ancient ones, I contend. While preparing for the interview (and we discussed it during the interview), I discovered a very approachable definition...
The Gnostic Robert Frost

The Gnostic Robert Frost

You see Gnosticism everywhere, dude. No, bear with me, Montresor, and I’ll tell you a little secret about laughing demons and ancient heretics who were both the joker and the thief. The Gnostic Spirit has survived and even thrived throughout history, despite the often...
The Difference Between a Gnostic and a Christian

The Difference Between a Gnostic and a Christian

As the Holiday Season wanes and the new year looms like bleak canyon under the winter skies, I’ve been in a reminiscing mood like many. One person in my mind has been Nathaniel Merritt. His book Jehovah Unmasked greatly assisted my exorcism of orthodox demons and...

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