by Miguel Conner | Dec 28, 2016 | Blog posts
As the Holiday Season wanes and the new year looms like bleak canyon under the winter skies, I’ve been in a reminiscing mood like many. One person in my mind has been Nathaniel Merritt. His book Jehovah Unmasked greatly assisted my exorcism of orthodox demons and...
by Miguel Conner | Dec 12, 2016 | Blog posts
Most individuals are aware of the terms “Orwellian,” “Political Correctness,” “Thought Police,” or “Brave New World,” as well as the oppressive secular and religious systems throughout history that inspired them. Although assumed that these individuality-killing...
by Miguel Conner | Oct 13, 2016 | Blog posts
According to the Gospel of Philip, ignorance is the greatest of sins, the “Mother of all evil.” When looking at the eroding psyche and spine of western civilization in the 21st century, it’s hard not to see that the Gnostics had a point; as an example, in the last few...
by Miguel Conner | Dec 17, 2014 | Blog posts
The first part of the interview is available here, and the audio interview is found at the bottom of this article. Gary Greenberg is the author of several popular and controversial books, including 101 Myths of the Bible, The Moses Mystery and The Judas Brief: Who...
by Miguel Conner | Dec 15, 2014 | Blog posts
Gary Greenberg is the author of several popular and controversial books, including 101 Myths of the Bible, The Moses Mystery and The Judas Brief: Who Really Killed Jesus? He is a Fellow of The Jesus Project and is President of the Biblical Archaeology Society of New...