Please note that all 2018 episodes are found here now.
A Gnostic & Magic Review of 2017 (and Predictions for 2018)
2017 has been a watershed year of shifting realities and the oppression of human consciousness by Archons. We deconstruct this year from a Magical and Gnostic perspective, exposing the machinations of the rulers of this age in politics, science and culture. What really is transpiring in our elite-engineered society on both metaphysical and material levels? What’s more, we predict what might happen in the apocalyptical 2018, providing the Gnosis for surviving the endgame of the Demiurge and his slaves in the establishment. And yes, we cover what cool movies and books came out.
Astral Guest — Gordon White, author of The Chaos Protocols.
A Gnostic & Magic Review of 2017 (and Predictions for 2018) Aeon Byte: A Gnostic & Magic Review of 2017 (and Predictions for 2018) with Gordon White
The Secret Book of John
A special show: three preeminent Gnostic scholars explain the Secret Book of John. Many experts claim this text is the complete Gnostic Gospel since it covers so many doctrines and myths — from the pre-creation story to the fall/redemption of Sophia; from the Demiurge in the Garden of Eden to the battle of Christ against the Archons…and so much more. Beyond deeply mining this forbidden work — from origins to theology — we compare it to other ancient writings like the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Judas, and the Bible itself. More than exploring the Secret Book of John, this is a spanning odyssey of the Sethian and other Gnostic traditions and culture.
Astral Guests — Stevan Davies, author of The Secret Book of John: The Gnostic Gospels—Annotated & Explained, Karen King, author of The Secret Revelation of John
, and John Turner, author of Gnosticism and Later Platonism: Themes, Figures, and Texts
The Secret Book of John Aeon Byte: The Secret Book of John with Karen King, Stevan Davies & John Turner
These are Gnostic Times
The Gnostic nightmare seems to have come true in modern times. Humanity suffers under oppressive, surveillance, and stagnant systems, ruled by godlike overlords that stifle creativity and individuality. As some have said, it’s Philip K. Dick world. How did this happen and what can be done to break the bonds of the Archons? Our guest offers solutions and insights into dissolving the veils of the Matrix and restoring Sophia. Beyond Gnosis for the ages, we find that 2017 is indeed a year of the Apocalypse — while 2018 brings possibility but also more psychic death in the forms of transhumanism, transgenics, and a holographic geopolitical world. No one gets out of here sane.
Astral Guest — Chris Knowles, author of Our Heroes Wear Spandex and The Secret History of Rock’n’Roll.
These are Gnostic Times Aeon Byte: These are Gnostic Times with Chris Knowles
Santa Muerte & The Death Goddess Archetype
Death welcomes everyone, just as the Holiday Season does (and you’ll find the connection between the two). Today’s greatest personification of death is Santa Muerte or “Holy Death.” This deity/saint is associated with protection and safe passage to the afterlife, as well as a patron to those marginalized in society. We explore the rituals, theology, and history of Santa Muerte, including her syncretic origins in European and Aztec lore. Even more, we study the female death goddess in many traditions, some very ancient, and how she can still be a powerful assistant to humanity. And how this archetype eerily parallels the Gnostic Sophia. Lastly, we find straightforward methods for working with Holy Death that may be easily incorporated into your own devotional practice.
Astral Guest — Tracey Rollin, author of Santa Muerte: The History, Rituals, and Magic of Our Lady of the Holy Death.
Santa Muerte & The Death Goddess Archetype Aeon Byte: Santa Muerte & The Death Goddess Archetype with Tracey Rollin
Understanding the Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of Philip remains one of the most insightful yet approachable texts from the Nag Hammadi library. This Valentinian work grants deep understanding into the culture and theology of ancient Gnosticism, from precise rituals to the intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We explore the history, doctrines, and layers of meaning of this lost gospel – dealing with the best available scholarship as well as a new, exciting translation. Is the Gospel of Philip even Gnostic or is it part of a greater, mystic Christianity that was repressed by orthodoxy? Can we find Gnosis in the passages or is it more about the restoration of life? These and more answers are subtle but astounding.
Astral Guest — Dr. James Brantingham, author of The Gospel of Philip: A New Translation.
Understanding the Gospel of Philip Aeon Byte: Understanding the Gospel of Philip with Dr. James Brantingham
Synchronicity, Archetypes, Projection & Other Jungian Concepts
CG Jung left many tools of Gnosis behind, including the concepts of synchronicity, archetypes, and projection. We explore in depth these and other avenues of individuation — as well as how they can relate to our own lives in a modern world. We also delve into the Swiss Magician’s life and how it informed his ideas, covering his relationship with the Gnostics, Alchemists, and other esoteric movements of antiquity. It’s an in-depth exploration of a brilliant but flawed man who still informs today’s Esoterica.
Astral Guest — Robin Robertson, author of Inner Voices: and Other Essays on Jungian Psychology.
Synchronicity, Archetypes, Projection & Other Jungian Concepts Aeon Byte: ynchronicity, Archetypes, Projection & Other Jungian Concepts with Robin Robertson
Gnosis in a Modern Context
Gnosis was an ancient spiritual tech that even the early orthodox church coveted. Then it became too dangerous to ruling powers for its ability to instill freedom and individuality. Can Gnosis translate to a modern context and assist the awakening of people in today’s frenetic yet shallow culture? We explore the incredible and timeless gifts of this special “knowing” — and how such concepts as the Archons, Initiation, Pleroma, Wisdom, and others are just as relevant today if viewed through the unified lenses of myth and reason. Our guest also shares his adventures across the world, from Vatican libraries to distant mountains in Scandinavia, ultimately settling in the South to help youth access the essential power of self-knowledge.
Astral Guest — Nick Reed, author of Return to Gnosis: Knowledge of the Sacred & What Keeps Us from It.
Gnosis in a Modern Context Aeon Byte: Gnosis in a Modern Context with Nick Reed
A Gnostic view of UFOs, Ghosts & Psychics
It’s our Halloween Special (and the interview starts at 14:00 as I go into a trick or treat rant)! We celebrate with the unique Gnostic approach to several paranormal issues, full of data and experience. Is it possible to reconcile such phenomena as alien encounters with Gnostic notions like the Archons? Are apparitions manifestations of the Pleroma or some infernal realms? Even more, our roundtable of guests discusses their stories of alien encounters and magical living, granting sober advice on how to access the spirit world and survive the Archon-ruled universe. In the end, we gain tools from various traditions to navigate the empty works of the Demiurge, always keeping an eye on the contraband but transcendental gifts of Gnosticism.
Astral Guest — Sandra Wells and Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered.
A Gnostic view of UFOs, Ghosts & Psychics Aeon Byte: A Gnostic view of UFOs, Ghosts & Psychics with Scott Smith & Sandra Wells
Liberating the Witch Within
What is a witch and what is a witch in the context of modern culture? Who is the Divine Feminine and is she returning to a world burning with hostile solar forces? We answer these charged questions and go deep into understanding how everyone can unleash their inner witch with the right contemplation, attitude, and magical living. From the empowerment of Lilith to the resourcefulness of Aphrodite, we call upon ancient archetypes that lead to wholeness. Lastly, we explore the Gnostic Sophia, past and present, and how her fall and redemption can work for your own liberation. As Donovan sang, must be the season of the witch.
Astral Guest – Danielle Dulsky, author of Woman Most Wild, Three Keys to Liberating the Witch Within.
Liberating the Witch Within Aeon Byte: Liberating the Witch Within with Danielle Dulsky
The Transformational Power of Dreaming
Dreaming is not dead, but this important spiritual tech is more necessary than ever in an era of waking nightmares. We take an exploration of dreaming history, science, traditions, and practices from prehistory to today. We Examine ancient dream traditions from around the world, shamanic dreaming, and the profound role of dreaming in Native American and African-American cultures. Of course, we understand dream psychology as well as Carl Jung’s views on dreaming — also investigating the practices of dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and telepathic dreaming. Lastly, you will gain techniques into remembering and working with your dreams, all to awaken your inner savior.
Astral Guest — Tom Verner, author of The Transformational Power of Dreaming.
The Transformational Power of Dreaming Aeon Byte: The Transformational Power of Dreaming with Tom Verner
Conversations with Philip K. Dick
We find the deepest insights into the mind behind Blade Runner, Minority Report, Total Recall, and The Man in the High Castle. See Philip K. Dick go through life while trying to figure out why bad things happen and how to stop them from happening. Even the most ardent Dickian scholar will find novel dimensions on this modern Gnostic saint — from startling truths about his mystical experiences including 2-3-74 to what he actually thought of Star Trek. What would Phil feel about today’s surveillance state and what motivated him to write about futures that have become reality? And many more answers to many more questions, in a very intimate interview.
Astral Guest — Tessa Dick, author of Conversations with Philip K. Dick.
Conversations with Philip K. Dick Aeon Byte: Conversations with Philip K. Dick with Tessa Dick
Gnostic Tendencies
Do you have Gnostic tendencies? You probably ought to have more than tendencies to survive these Philip K. Dick times. For this, our guest discusses his new book, a collection of exceptional articles dealing with ancient and modern Gnosticism, and all manner of esoterica, from over 15 years of research. We mine this work for useful and startling insights — including novel views on the Gospel of Philip and Thomas, Gnostic texts possibly written by women, the Gospel of Barnabas, empathy in the 21st century, the fall of the soul, deciphering On the Origins of the World, and much more. And for the first time, our guest talks about his journey into having Gnostic tendencies (and being a successful author).
Astral Guest — Andrew Phillip Smith, author of Gnostic Tendencies: Collected Writings on Gnosticism and Lost Gospels.
Gnostic Tendencies Aeon Byte: Gnostic Tendencies with Andrew Phillip Smith
The Return of Valentinus and Gnostic Priesthood
In esoteric circles, Valentinus is considered as one of the great mystics and thinkers of early Christian history — even if his Gnostic ideas would later brand him a heretic by the nascent orthodox church. Yet his theologies are gradually being embraced today in the halls of mainstream churches, even by some of the most rigid Catholic orders. We welcome the return of Valentinus, from his transcendent philosophy to his meditative rituals, more needed than ever in a civilization losing hope for meaning and a higher purpose. We also discuss related topics for alternative Christianities of old like sacred theatre, occult sacraments for altered states, shamanistic Gnosis, and much more.
Astral Guest – David Parry, author of Caliban’s Redemption
The Return of Valentinus and Gnostic Priesthood Aeon Byte: The Return of Valentinus and Gnostic Priesthood with David Parry
Modern Magic and Conspiracy Theories
Being a successful horror writer is not easy today when all of reality seems like a nightmare and all horrors can be accessed daily on our screens. Our guest relates the challenges and opportunities of thriving as a horror writer, as well as how his magical/occult background assisted in understanding human reality. He also shares his story of being the force of the “Bind Trump” spell that went viral and continues to take the world by storm — including how most of the blowback came from occult communities. Tying in so much magic and mysticism, we soberly and reasonably take a look at many prominent conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, JFK’s assassination, UFOs, 9/11, Sandy Hook, and more – to find not just truth but a sense of clarity in oppressive and murky times.
Astral Guest — Michael Hughes, author of Blackwater Lights.
Modern Magic and Conspiracy Theories Aeon Byte: Modern Magic and Conspiracy Theories with Michael Hughes
Mary Magdalene
A special show for very special reasons we shall mention. But it’s always special when we discuss an important avatar of Sophia: Mary Magdalene. We take a spanning odyssey to understand Mary Magdalene from many angles and interpretations — in the end seeing her as a leader and mystic of the ages. This exploration includes legends, gospels, and apocryphal works like the Gnostic texts, as well as Mary’s pagan aspects of Isis and other goddesses. Not least, we understand her impact on the early days of Christianity and throughout history (and why she was marginalized), including today when she is more needed than ever.
Astral Guest — Margaret Starbird, author of The Woman with the Alabaster Jar.
Mary Magdalene Aeon Byte: Mary Magdalene with Margaret Starbird
Batman & Jesus (and Holy Fable!)
Our gods, those fonts of inspiration and entertainment, these days manifest as comic book heroes. Actually, many comic book heroes are directly based on ancient deities, rebooted to enlighten western culture. In a two-part episode, we delve into these themes and other relevant theological/cultural themes.
In our first half, the minds behind the upcoming and exciting documentary, Batman & Jesus, connect past and present dying and rising godmen (and of course share about the movie itself!). We also discuss social issues and the Mythicist Milwaukee Conference IV, where Islam and the Trump era take the main stage at the Buzzed Belief Debate.
In our second half, the Bible Geek himself explains the Jungian allure of modern comic book heroes. This includes how many of the Old Testament patriarchs were originally gods, marketed to their audiences as the comic book heroes of their days. Was Joseph really Osiris? Was Abraham originally a moon god? Were Zeus and Hermes actually the angels that visited Lot and his salty wife? Lastly, we gain the authentic truths behind such tales as Sodom and Gomorrah, the empire of King David, the Garden of Eden, and much more.
And yes, each guest tells us which is their favorite Batman movie. Don’t change your bat channel because there will also be plenty on the Gnostics.
Astral Guests — Jozef K. Richards, director of Batman & Jesus; Sean Fracek, founder of Mythicist Milwaukee; and Robert M. Price, author of Holy Fable.
Batman & Jesus (and Holy Fable!) Aeon Byte: Batman & Jesus (and Holy Fable!) with Robert Price, Jozef Richards, and Sean Fracek
The Gospel of Thomas & Defeating the Archons
Part 2 of Secret Revelations in the Gospel of Thomas. Our guest expands his views and revelations, harnessing the mysteries of the “Fifth Gospel.” We delve into the secret history of the Bible to find the truth about Paul and James, as well as insights on many of the great global myths like Osiris, the Anunnaki, Buddha, Atlantis, and the falling out of Cain and Abel. With this knowledge, esoteric channeling tools are revealed that allow oracles from the spirit world and an understanding of the creation of the cosmos. Why all of this? In the end, we discover the stunning reality and nature of the Archons that is both interplanetary and transcendental — gaining the Gnosis to overthrow their control of the universe.
Astral Guest — Frank Divita, author of Voice of the Angel.
The Gospel of Thomas & Defeating the Archons Aeon Byte: The Gospel of Thomas & Defeating the Archons with Frank Divita
Leaving Scientology
We interview the father of David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology. Ron Miscavige reveals the inner workings of the religion he belonged to for forty years, culminating with his escape and falling out with his powerful son. This which resulted in dangerous blowback. He also relates the intimate details of his relationship with David — from their close bond in early days to how the young Miscavige rose through the ranks and finally took over the entire organization. More than anything, this is a cautionary tale of the corrupting power of power and a father’s journey into making sense of a seemingly senseless world. For members, we take an electrifying quest into understanding the souls of two individuals who employed Gnosticism, one to weaponize for corrupt ends, the other to awakening humanity: L. Ron Hubbard and Philip K. Dick.
Astral Guest— Ron Miscavige, best-selling author of Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
Leaving Scientology Aeon Byte: Leaving Scientology with Ron Miscavige
Psychedelic Rituals & Chaos Magic
We showcase a manual for exploring the use of psychedelic substances in the contexts of spirituality, self-transformation, healing, and magic use. This includes understanding the issues addiction, legality, dosage, and even finding the right community of entheogen practitioners. And we offer both sensible and arcane ceremonies regardless of your location. From coming down from hallucinogens to exploring mild drugs as a first-time experience, no blue crystal meth rock is unturned. We also quest the historical usage and banning of entheogens — from the Mystery Schools to the Golden Dawn to alcohol prohibition, from the Gnostics to modern Ayahuasca shamans to the vile War of Drugs. Lastly, our guest grants us an overview of Chaos Magic and Gnosticism in modern times, and how they relate to psychedelics and individual liberation.
Astral Guest—Julian Vayne, author of Getting Higher: A Manual of Psychedelic Ceremony.
Psychedelic Rituals & Chaos Magic Aeon Byte: Psychedelic Rituals & Chaos Magic with Julian Vayne
David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick & Occult Cinema
We explore the deep esoteric symbolism of movies and the minds behind them. This includes Gnostic themes in the artistic expression of David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick, as well as the octane Gnosticism of such directors as John Carpenter. We also explore the notions of predictive programming from illuminist factions and the prescient whispers of the collective unconscious. Was 9/11 foretold before 2001 and did the Moon landing never happen, according to certain movies? Did certain directors and writers work with the elite to enslave humanity?
From Peter Jackson to Walt Disney, from the mystic Catholicism of Sergio Leone to the Chaos Hermeticism of Alan Moore, we uncover broad occult themes that even film experts have missed — furthermore exposing the secret messages in such Masonic movies as The Ninth Gate and the solar ecstasy of Spaghetti Westerns.
Astral Guest — Robert Sullivan, author of Cinema Symbolism 2: More Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies.
David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick & Occult Cinema Aeon Byte: David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick & Occult Cinema with Robert Sullivan
Deconstructing Gurdjieff
Employing the latest research and discoveries, we investigate the truth beneath the self-crafted mythology of Gurdjieff and place him in the true context of his times. These include his many adventures across the world. We also reveal Gurdjieff’s sources for his transformative philosophy, his early interest in hypnosis, magic, Theosophy, and Spiritualism — and the profound influence of the Yezidis, Sufis, and other Middle Eastern Gnostics. We explore Gurdjieff’s ties to Freemasonry and his relationships with other spiritual teachers and philosophers of his age, such as Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. Most of all, we distil Gurdjieff’s Gnostic essence that is relevant for anyone seeking liberation from a machine world.
Astral Guest— Tobias Churton, author of Deconstructing Gurdjieff
Deconstructing Gurdjieff Aeon Byte: Deconstructing Gurdjieff with Tobias Churton
The Holy Grail & Mystic Portals Part 2
In our first part, the relative of Charlie Chaplin and a famous artist in her own right shared her mystic adventures in the Spanish city of Girona. This is a place where Kabbalists and other esoteric groups have guarded an arcane secret for thousands of years. Dan Brown and the other Grail hunters got it all wrong — the Holy Grail was never a cup or a woman, but a world chakra, a portal into the other dimensions that can make a human divine. Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France was but a magical antenna to increase its frequency — constructed by the priest Saunieri— the other one being Girona. This portal is located at the top of a haunted mountain in between Girona and Rennes-le-chateau. It has been sought after all throughout history, from the ancient Phoenicians to the Nazis, from Pagan Romans to the Roman Catholic Church. Brave individuals have actually traveled through it, finding things that should never be spoken. Our guest not only recaps her discoveries but relates her tale of undergoing a primordial ritual passed through generations, reaching this world chakra and accessing its cosmic gifts.
Astral Guest — Patrice Chaplin, author of The Portal: An Initiate’s Journey into the Secret of Rennes-le-Château.
The Holy Grail & Mystic Portals Part 2 Aeon Byte: The Holy Grail & Mystic Portals Part 2 with Patrice Chaplin
Archetypes & The Collective Unconscious
Archetypes are a popular but ultimately misunderstood concept in Occultism and Western Esoterica. Even Carl Jung missed the mark when it came to archetypes and their liberating power. We keenly understand the idea of archetypes and their history — from Plato’s Cave to the Gnostic heresy, from ancient creation myths to the penetrating insights of Neoplatonism, all the way to alchemy and foundational psychology. These insights lead us on the sacred and profane pathways into the collective unconscious. In the end, we find the methods to unlock transformative forces that ultimately unveil our Higher Selves in a world of growing shadows.
Astral Guest—Steve Seven, author of The Idea of the Archetype.
Archetypes & The Collective Unconscious Aeon Byte: Archetypes & The Collective Unconscious with Steve Seven
Decoding Dark City, The Matrix & Other Gnostic Movies
The Gnostic message has translated extremely well to the medium of film, specifically in the genre of Hollywood science fiction — as both concepts speculate on possible realities, the nature of consciousness, and the destiny of humanity in an uncertain universe. This alchemical union has granted some of the most impactful modern myths of our times that include Dark City, The Matrix, The Truman Show, and others. We delve deeply into these classics, as well as explore many other Gnostic visual expressions, from the hit show Westworld to the Valentinian film The Others — finding insights and symbols that most experts have overlooked. Did their creators know of the Gnostic ethos? Why exactly is Gnostic cinema so popular this last generation, especially in America? More than art, we find a prophecy of dying empires and the falling of veils of illusion and conformity.
Astral Guest — Fryderyk Kwiatkowski, author of How to Attain Liberation From a False World? The Gnostic Myth of Sophia in Dark City
Decoding Dark City, The Matrix & Other Gnostic Movies Aeon Byte: Decoding Dark City, The Matrix & Other Gnostic Movies with Fryderyk Kwiatkowski
The Gnosis of Guadalupe
A fascinating yet overlooked aspect of the Divine Feminine is Our Lady of Guadalupe. We explore this myth, set in an apocalyptic time after the clash of two bloodthirsty empires, the Aztecs and the Spanish. And how an astral appearance to a humble Truthseeker offered the timeless secrets of both pre-Columbian and Gnostic goddesses. Within this powerful narrative, we discover Kabbalistic, Hermetic, and Eastern philosophies that address the notions of suffering, the afterlife, and living a magical life. In the end, we draw parallels from those tumultuous times to our own tenuous days — finding the same, perennial wisdom of individuation, transcendence, and inner peace.
Astral Guest — Tau Malachi, author of Gnosis of Guadalupe.
The Gnosis of Guadalupe Aeon Byte: The Gnosis of Guadalupe with Tau Malachi
A Jungian View of UFOs & Altered States
Carl Jung held unique views on UFOs, some recently discovered ones shocking for modern Jungians. We study these views on Extraterrestrials, as well as some thought-provoking interpretations that extend to Jung’s ideas on archetypes, altered states, the ego, death, and the Red Book. Our guest relates his own remarkable experiences and journeys that include his meetings with esoteric luminaries like Jiddu Krishnamurti, Timothy Leary, and others. He shares some astounding and penetrating revelations on such topics as facing the Void, Abraxas, occult, mythology, the Guardian of the Threshold, and much more— in the end granting powerful tools for those seeking to contact with higher realities.
Astral Guest — David Curtis, author of The Luminary is Coming and Abraxas: A Mandala of Symbols
A Jungian View of UFOs & Altered States Aeon Byte: A Jungian View of UFOs & Altered States with David Curtis
Spiritual Freemasonry
The membership and impact of Freemasonry seem to dwindle. An overlooked form of Freemasonry might be the answer to those seeking an experience over networking, introspection over materialism. This Freemasonry allows women into its ranks and fully embraces the mystic sensibilities of old secret societies and the mystery religions. We understand the mostly untold story of these liberal Freemasons, Le Droit Humain, from their origins in the 19th century to their modern tenets that draw from the wisdom of Hermeticism. We also delve into Freemasonry proper, exploring its origins, influences and vast symbolism — from the Knights Templar to Theosophy, from King Solomon to Rosicrucianism, finally addressing the issue of its influence on Western Society and the many new world orders that seek to enslave humanity.
Astral Guest — Darren Lorente Bull, co-author of More Light: Today’s Freemasonry for Men and Women (with Julian Rees)
Spiritual Freemasonry Aeon Byte: Spiritual Freemasonry with Darren Lorente Bull
Jesus Mything in Action
A new book presents the most compelling new findings in the Christ-Myth theory and critically examines its controversial reception by biblical scholars; the extent and reliability of our sources for Jesus; and reveals the surprising history behind Jesus’ evolution. Moreover, we take a historical voyage upon the various streams that united to form Christianity, from the Jewish desire of a spiritual Messiah under the yoke of the Greeks, to the Mystery Religions of Roman times that provided a template for a Cosmic Christ – and everything in between. Our guest also weighs in on the Buzzed Belief debate between Bart Ehrman and Robert Price, as well as the problems with Mythicism today.
Astral Guest — David Fitzgerald, author of Jesus: Mything in Action, Vol. I
Jesus Mything in Action Aeon Byte: Jesus Mything in Action with David Fitzgerald
The Timeless Love Story of Christ & Sophia
A unique book has just been published, endorsed by such lauded Gnostic experts as Elaine Pagels, Robert Price, and Lance Owens. It is both a heart-wrenching biography and a penetrating exposition on Gnosticism, full of orthodox deconstruction and dark parody. It is also a Jungian treatise on the nature of fallen men and fallen gods, brimming with the lore of ancient alchemists. In other words, it’s a new Gnostic Gospel. This work focuses on an often-overlooked cornerstone of Gnostic thought: the timeless love story of Christ and Sophia. From the elegant Valentinian myths to the romance of the Red King and White Queen manifesting in tales across the eons — we find how this transcendental story revealed itself in the life of a man and his struggle with family loss; and how it may reveal itself in your life in times when wholeness is the only answer to tragedy.
Astral Guest — Fady Riad, author of The Gospel of Lie: A Grieving Christian Searches the Bible for a New Jesus
The Timeless Love Story of Christ & Sophia Aeon Byte: The Timeless Love Story of Christ & Sophia with Fady Riad
Saving Christianity
The Abrahamic faiths are on a collision course. Churches are empty across the Western World. Christianity has become a mile long but an inch thin, faltering under a fast-changing society of science, reason, and logic. Is this the beginning of the end for the world’s largest religion, or can the old approach of the Gnostics transform its tenets into a liberating force of body, mind, and spirit for the 21st Century human? And perhaps this transformation might influence the other Abrahamic faiths before we are plunged into another World War/Crusade.
Astral Guest— Tom Harpur, author of Water Into Wine: An Empowering Vision of the Gospels
Saving Christianity Aeon Byte: Saving Christianity with Tom Harpur
A Modern Gnostic View on the Purpose of Life
The grand religious stories that gave meaning to life and death in the past have crumbled under skeptical scrutiny. The dominant mainstream philosophy is now scientific objectivism, which describes a universe that exists for no reason and a life that ends in oblivion. We address the “soul crisis” in modern culture that has arisen from lack of meaning – offering an intelligent “spiritual” perspective on life and death to help us make sense of a paradoxical world, which is sometimes bleak and banal, but also can be magical and full of significance. Our guest also presents a revolutionary paradigm shift in our understanding of reality that integrates the deepest insights of science and spirituality to create a new model of human identity – which makes the idea of the immortal soul intellectually credible.
Astral Guest – Tim Freke, author of Soul Story: Evolution and the Purpose of Life.
A Modern Gnostic View on the Purpose of Life Aeon Byte: A Modern Gnostic View on the Purpose of Life with Tim Freke
The Archons and the Nature of Good & Evil
The archonic influence on the cosmos is widely attested by Gnostics, past and present. But what went wrong and what can be done to break the bonds of these stellar lords and lords of our ego? How can the Powers of Light be accessed in an increasingly fragmented world? We deal with these issues in both metaphysical and psychological ways, drawing from the wisdom of ancient heretical mystics – and explore the nature of the universe, the spiritual and archetypal worlds, and the notions of life after death. In the end, we find solutions to breaking away from the bondage of the average and into the freedom of an individual higher calling.
Astral Guest— Scott Smith, author God Reconsidered.
The Archons and the Nature of Good & Evil Aeon Byte: The Archons and the Nature of Good & Evil with Scott Smith
Finding the Demiurge in the Bible
The volcanic personality of the Demiurge in the Old Testament is no secret, and we cover much of it. However, many overlook the reality that the Demiurge’s influence soaks the New Testament, even in many of the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ. We explore some of the questionable dogmas of the Bible that today influence Christianity and beyond, including prophecy, the Trinity, eternal damnation, and salvation by faith. Our guest also discusses his debate with Bart Ehrman at the last Mythinformation Conference, the latest revelations on Mythicism and Gnosticism, and how he became a heretic in the Atheist movement.
Astral Guest — Robert Price, author of Blaming Jesus for Jehovah: Rethinking the Righteousness of Christianity.
Finding the Demiurge in the Bible Aeon Byte: Finding the Demiurge in the Bible with Robert Price