The Gnosis of Guadalupe

The Gnosis of Guadalupe

A fascinating yet overlooked aspect of the Divine Feminine is Our Lady of Guadalupe. We explore this myth, set in an apocalyptic time after the clash of two bloodthirsty empires, the Aztecs and the Spanish. And how an astral appearance to a humble Truthseeker offered...
Spiritual Freemasonry

Spiritual Freemasonry

The membership and impact of Freemasonry seem to dwindle. An overlooked form of Freemasonry might be the answer to those seeking an experience over networking, introspection over materialism. This Freemasonry allows women into its ranks and fully embraces the mystic...
Jesus Mything in Action

Jesus Mything in Action

A new book presents the most compelling new findings in the Christ-Myth theory and critically examines its controversial reception by biblical scholars; the extent and reliability of our sources for Jesus; and reveals the surprising history behind Jesus’...
Saving Christianity

Saving Christianity

The Abrahamic faiths are on a collision course. Churches are empty across the Western World. Christianity has become a mile long but an inch thin, faltering under a fast-changing society of science, reason, and logic. Is this the beginning of the end for the world’s...

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