A Kabbalistic Approach to the Matrix

A Kabbalistic Approach to the Matrix

By Dr. Nicolas Laos, Author of the book “The Meaning of Being Illuminati” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)   The highly influential science-fiction movie “The Matrix” (1999), created by the American film and TV directors, writers, and producers Lana Wachowski and...

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Jesus and the Abyss

Jesus and the Abyss

By C.Hunter    Revelation to this day is one the strangest books in existence, esoteric, ambiguous, and filled with Abyssal monsters and destruction. It compares Jesus to a monstrous-looking being and yet also brings a new and better world in the wake of the...

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How is Your Life in a Philip K. Dick World?

How is Your Life in a Philip K. Dick World?

“We live in a Philip K Dick world now." Michael Moorcock   I really enjoyed our recent interview with Erik Davis, my favorite Philip K. Dick scholar and all around great guy (I’ve had the honor of hanging out with him in person twice, and can confirm he’s a blast...

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My Appearance on TruthBump

My Appearance on TruthBump

Check it out and check out of mundane reality for a spell or two: my appearance on TruthBump, a documentary on fringe podcasters. It was produced by my friend and fellow Truthseeker Warrior, Alex Tsakiris. I'm unsure about the release of the other documentary...

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The Gnostic Apocalypse That Is Game of Thrones

The Gnostic Apocalypse That Is Game of Thrones

Let’s dare the metaphysics of Game of Thrones, now that the dust (and self-righteous internet outrage) has settled on its final season. Specifically, I want to talk about the show’s Gnostic features. That’s not as surprising as you might think. Epic fantasies tend to...

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The Gospel of the Living

The Gospel of the Living

By Armunn Righ I Out from Life, timeless, Pure and True existence, a new daughter emerges: Sophia, naive and beautiful, dreamy and restless. Her betrothed, already designated by her Father, was merely pending on her maturation for the Union to be consummated. But in...

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Time Bandits: A Gnostic Odyssey

Time Bandits: A Gnostic Odyssey

So many Gnostic movies to cover, and Kronos is so greedy with time. But sometimes it’s good to steal some of that time back by mining for that timeless Gnosis in a film…so let’s talk about Time Bandits, Terri Gilliam’s 1981 fantasy This is one Gnostic-themed movie...

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