Manichaeans: the Religion of the Call
Today, the concept of "Manichaeism" is perhaps one of the most frequently used in political and cultural debate. It means extreme dualism, radical division and polarization in which the forces of light are engaged in a death struggle with the forces of darkness. This...
Blakean Visions during the second summer of Love’ 88
By S Hamilton We behold Albion painted as a vision with vivid Angus McKie like expanse and colouration. Or perhaps a Gen X Bruegelesque. In the distance is the emanation of Spectre. Ashen Dark Satanic Mills unleash spumes of toxic gas and smog. A grim militia, shock...
The Bible as a Provocation
By Alexander Maistrovoy The Bible has always been and still remains to this day the main book of humankind; its storylines, conflicts, and heroes are the source of inspiration for the greatest philosophers, fiction writers, playwrights, musicians, and artists, even if...
Cannabis Usage To Treat Depression
Depression is a worldwide menace. Most people suffering from it try to hide the fact. Others going through it aren’t aware of how deadly it is and, therefore, don’t make any effort to rectify the situation. According to statistics, at least 16.2 million adults in the...
The Entheogenic Use of Cannabis in Ancient Religions
Cannabis use is by no means a new fad. Archaeological evidence shows that ancient Asian civilizations were way ahead of the trend. These societies used cannabis for various spiritual and medicinal purposes — and many of these medicinal purposes have been proven...
Review: “God Reconsidered: Searching for Truth in the Battle Between Atheism and Religion” by Scott Smith
By Alexander Maistrovoy When I wrote my book Gnosticism through the Prism of the Third Millennium, trying to rethink Gnostic ideas from a rationalistic point of view, I didn't think that would find a lot of like-minded people. The big surprise for me was the...
New Video, AB Live this Weekend, and Other Sundries
Heya heretics, And now for something completely different. Like my last video, not really that different here in the Desert of the Real. It started as my testing of some animation software for a client and then going down a rabbit hole (and feeling I should give a nod...
7 Ancient Gnostic Figures the Church Feared
A bit of a departure but not really. I hope you enjoy this short video ripping off the veil of the victors who write history. Enjoy some of the Gnostic exemplars and sages that we need more than ever in a world going dark. Many of these figures are...
Bogomils: From Satanail to Satan
By Alexander Maistrovoy Dualistic religions did not occur in the steady, stable, and trouble-free states. They acquired strength only in places with an inordinate accumulation of suffering and where the darkness was so deeply condensed that the very earthly existence...
Transcendental Meta-Algorithmic Transhumanism: The Entelechy of the Human Being
Dr. Nicolas Laos Philosopher – Noopolitics Consultant Grand Master of the Scholarly and Political Order of the Ur-Illuminati (SPOUI) www.urilluminati-spoui.com Introduction: Transhumanism as Transmutation Even though there are different varieties and interpretations...