An unusual post, but a lot of exciting news that needs to be bundled and delivered for your attention.

Before we open this Pandora’s Red Pill Box, I’d like to say thank you. 2020 has been Aeon Byte’s best year so far. This means that Gnosis is more vital than ever as Yaldi Baldi this year slams his boot harder on the face of human consciousness. That is why I have upped the game with more varied content, and this includes the official release of Finding Hermes before August ends. I sincerely appreciate your support and inspiration. Divided we stand, together we rise.

Let’s get to the news:

First, join us this Saturday at 8 PM Central for AB Live 37: Is Reincarnation Real? (A Debate). We are honored to be joined by two heavy-hitters in Gnostic circles: Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered, and John Munter, author of The Samaritan Jesus.

Two will go in a cage, and a thousand lifetimes will come out. Seriously, it will be a spirited and friendly debate on the doctrine of reincarnation. Scott will argue for its shortcomings while John will support its strengths. Our discussion will cover other Gnostic topics, so it will be a fun evening.

Live on my YouTube channel. Bring your questions and past lives. The best thing is to subscribe and hit alerts, so you’ll know when it starts. And apologies for past AB Live’s I haven’t announced here, but life is hectic these days for yours falsely.

Second, after more than ten years of consideration and some false starts, I have a merch store. Grateful for the help of Valerie to get this whore off the kenomic ground. Expect more cool art to arrive as we develop the store. Check it out here.

Third, I’m offering my services for voiceovers. Let’s take your art and research and ventures to another level. Check it out here.

Fourth, two new short videos out this week (and thank you, Matt, for your fantastic assistance). Check ‘em out:


What is the Goal of Gnostic Salvation?

Are You A Gnostic?

Bonus! How about some of my homegrown memes?


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