Welcome to the Virtual Alexandria

Ever feel trapped in a simulation, not of your making? That you have a higher self with a meaningful destiny? Then you came to the right place because you are kindred to the Gnostics. Welcome to the premiere resource for bringing ancient mysteries to a modern meaning—leveraging forbidden Hermetic and Gnostic practices for your liberation. Find the resources to find out who you really are and what reality is really not.

In short, gain the ability here to finally write your own gospel and live your own myth.


Lost Civilizations on Mars

You don’t have to wait to travel on one of Elon’s whacky rockets to find the truth about Mars. George Haas joins us to discuss his new book, The Great Architects of Mars: Evidence for the Lost Civilizations on the Red Planet. We’ll explore evidence of a lost Martian...

Lost Civilizations on Mars

Lost Civilizations on Mars

You don’t have to wait to travel on one of Elon’s whacky rockets to find the truth about Mars. George Haas joins us to discuss his new book, The Great Architects of Mars: Evidence for the Lost Civilizations on the Red Planet. We’ll explore evidence of a lost Martian...

Latest Episodes

Aeon Byte Greatest Disco Hits 2

Aeon Byte Greatest Disco Hits 2

Subs get bonus tracks! But what’s going on? Ready yourselves for a battery of my intro clips on various topics and stances. It is a perfect meditation for those who enjoy my “drivel” or those looking for brief knowledge on many Gnostic issues and figures. The “disco...

Ancient Near Death Experiences

Ancient Near Death Experiences

Gregory Shushan, Ph.D joins us to explore the powerful influence of near-death experiences (NDEs) on the formation of religious beliefs, mystical literature, and ritual practices. We’ll delve into his new book to understand the afterlife beliefs of five ancient world...

Gnostic Psychology & Preparing for Death

Gnostic Psychology & Preparing for Death

It’s always a pleasure when Dr. Cyd Rop visits the Virtual Alexandria. She’ll focus on profound sections of her new book, A Simple Explanation of the Gnostic Gospel. Thus, we’ll concentrate on Gnostic psychology and its application to overcoming life's challenges....

Latest Blog Posts

The Gnostic Gospel of Coraline

The Gnostic Gospel of Coraline

Sometimes I’m late to the game. Life does what life does, and those back burners get filled quickly as professional, family and spiritual fires burn away time. Or maybe I’m like Gandalf with my writing—in that I’m never late, nor early, arriving precisely when I am...

Gnosticism and Kabbalah

Gnosticism and Kabbalah

Alexander Maistrovoy  Kabbalah and Gnosticism... Do they have similarities, and if so, what are they? How does their mutual influence manifest itself?  This article is an attempt to find answers to these questions. Researchers find obvious traces of the influence of...

Apostolic Light…of Marcion?

Apostolic Light…of Marcion?

Alexander Maistrovoy It is extremely interesting that Gnostic ideas, contrary to official Christian doctrine, were clearly seen in the early apostles and evangelists. Paul's expression “None of the rulers of this age” (1 Cor. 2:8) clearly referred not to earthly...

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